Adam Hemeon

Adam Hemeon

Junior Software Developer
I'm a software developer interested in scalable application development and programming. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my project portfolio and online resume.

About Me

Thank you for visiting my online resume and portfolio!

I am a Junior Software Developer graduating from Nova Scotia Community College with a Diploma in IT Programming Spring 2021.

I completed a Bachelor of Nursing from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2014 and am a licensed Registered Nurse. I have worked Medical and Surgical front-line positions in both urban and rural point of care, with emphasis on travel locum contracts to remote northern communities. I am a former Canadian Armed Forces Reservist in the Logistical Supply Technician trade.

I have spent the vast majority of my career working contract based assignments, being employed to acclimate new workflows quickly with new and unknown work cultures. I enjoy learning new things and never staying idle. My interests are in:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Simulation
  • Virtual & Augmented Reality
  • Aviation
  • Travel
  • Robotics & ROVs
  • Health Sciences
  • Human Resources Management
  • Business Administration
  • Disaster Relief
  • Gaming

Reach out to me through socials or contact me directly to set up an interview!

What I do

Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my project portfolio and online resume.

Java, Kotlin & Android

I used Kotlin for my Critterpedia and Project SCRAPBook was programmed in Java, all using Android Studio.

C, C++, C# & .NET

I've used C and C++ to learn more advanced Data Structures. My SparQ text editor uses a custom C++ Linked List.

HTML, CSS & Bootstrap

This website uses HTML & CSS! Also my web app PoetrySlam used Bootstrap in conjunction with Laravel & Blade.

Vanilla Javascript

As part of client-side programming for web, working with JSON and delivering aesthetic functionality to websites.

PHP & Laravel

My web app PoetrySlam uses a Laravel Model-View-Controller to communicate with an SQL database.

Node.js & npm

While working with an algorithmic crypto currency trading company, I helped used JavaScript as part of this Kucoin Node API.

Git & Github

View projects like the Android game Project SCRAPBook on my personal Github.

Firebase & AWS

Not only is this website hosted on Google Firebase, I hosted my web app PoetrySlam through Heroku with it's database using AWS Educate.